Please check my other listings for more rare old history. Please see pictures for more details. I only have several of those rare oil lamps.
Each one of them is unique and have a great value, and always increase in value. Have one of those in your house, even some of the sand that was found in it, kept in it. Please read the story in the bible, describing this lamp. (If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me). One of the Bible stories involving an oil lamp is the Parable. Of the Ten Virgins, which can be found in the New Testament in. The book of Matthew, chapter 25, verses I-I3. Ten virgins are waiting for the arrival of the bridegroom, each. Of them carrying lamps filled with oil. And brought extra oil for their lamps, while the other. Were foolish and did not. As they waited for the bridegroom, he was delayed, and all ten. When the bridegroom finally arrived, the. Five foolish virgins realized they were running out of oil and. Asked the wise virgins for some. Refused, fearing they would not have enough for themselves. The lesson of this parable is to be prepared and vigilant for.The return of the Lord. As no one knows the exact time of his.
It emphasizes the importance of spiritual readiness and. Beirg prepared for unforeseen events, symbolized by the oil in.